28 May, 2020 - Hot Days & Illustration
Dear, Mom -
Hi, mom. I looks like we hit 90 degrees today. WOW. I could definitely tell it was that hot. I went for a walk with Bob as part of my work and we both were pretty dehydrated when we returned back to the house. That kind of weather is going to require we carry water bottles with us, which we should anyway. My plants were begging for water when I got home, but I waited until it got down into the 70s as to not waste the water. You and dad always taught me to water/irrigate in the morning or evening, otherwise a good portion just evaporates. So, that is what I did. Unfortunately, where the garden is in the back yard, the water pressure it only a trickle. I think our pipes back there are too small to allow much water to travel. I'd love to get them replaced, but can only imagine how much that would cost. For now, I am connecting the front yard hose to the back yard hose and it gives me the pressure I need. It is just a bit of a pain since I then have to disconnect them and put them both back after I use them. Oh, well. Happy problems since a garden will come out of it!
The front fence is now double weeded and has lots of wildflower seeds that I hope will spring up over the next month or two. It is a mixture called "Save the Bees". It will have various sizes and shapes of flowers and looks really pretty on the package. Here is a picture of the fence line...and Elsa dog standing on the sidewalk hoping that Paula next door will bring her more biscuits.

My long-time client and friendly gentleman Gale has a birthday coming up. Whenever there is a special day for him, I give him a card with his name illustrated in a silly way. Today, I sent this off in the mail:
It is supposed to look like my little, purple Honda Fit...sort of. He likes it when I draw things for him since he used to be an amazing artist. He's funny about being called an artist, though. He will say, "I'm not an artist. I'm an industrial designer.". Well, that may be true, but he had to do art to design and his paintings for designers to build off of would knock your socks off. This guy has an amazing eye for detail. I have examples somewhere, but I can't seem to find them in my photo roll right now.
My goodness. It is almost 11 pm and poor Elsa dog is so hot. She is on the floor on a sheet I put down for her to help cool her off. She doesn't like to sleep in front of the fan because, I guess, she doesn't like to feel the wind on her face. Which is very ironic considering that she absolutely lives to ride in the car with her face sticking out the window and the wind blowing her hair all over the place. I don't know. She's a silly dog.
I am going to try and get ahold of Joy, the new Life Enrichment director tomorrow to see if you and I can do a video chat. It has been too long since I've seen your smiling face, mom. I sure do miss seeing you. I wish you were here to garden with me and give me advice. Paula next door is very happy that I planted vegetables this year. She is such an avid gardener and grower of all things that she likes having me ask her questions, get advice, pal around with her when we pick up a truck load of manure...hahaha. It is nice to be tending to the landscape and having a garden again, though. My tomatoes are slow going since I started them from seeds, but everyday they grow a tiny bit more.
Okay, mom. I'm going to turn in for the night. I've got both windows open for a breeze. It should be a nice temperature to fall asleep in by the time I am ready to crawl into bed.
I love you with all my heart.💋💖💘💖 Daughter #3, Sally
Hi, mom. I looks like we hit 90 degrees today. WOW. I could definitely tell it was that hot. I went for a walk with Bob as part of my work and we both were pretty dehydrated when we returned back to the house. That kind of weather is going to require we carry water bottles with us, which we should anyway. My plants were begging for water when I got home, but I waited until it got down into the 70s as to not waste the water. You and dad always taught me to water/irrigate in the morning or evening, otherwise a good portion just evaporates. So, that is what I did. Unfortunately, where the garden is in the back yard, the water pressure it only a trickle. I think our pipes back there are too small to allow much water to travel. I'd love to get them replaced, but can only imagine how much that would cost. For now, I am connecting the front yard hose to the back yard hose and it gives me the pressure I need. It is just a bit of a pain since I then have to disconnect them and put them both back after I use them. Oh, well. Happy problems since a garden will come out of it!
The front fence is now double weeded and has lots of wildflower seeds that I hope will spring up over the next month or two. It is a mixture called "Save the Bees". It will have various sizes and shapes of flowers and looks really pretty on the package. Here is a picture of the fence line...and Elsa dog standing on the sidewalk hoping that Paula next door will bring her more biscuits.

My long-time client and friendly gentleman Gale has a birthday coming up. Whenever there is a special day for him, I give him a card with his name illustrated in a silly way. Today, I sent this off in the mail:

My goodness. It is almost 11 pm and poor Elsa dog is so hot. She is on the floor on a sheet I put down for her to help cool her off. She doesn't like to sleep in front of the fan because, I guess, she doesn't like to feel the wind on her face. Which is very ironic considering that she absolutely lives to ride in the car with her face sticking out the window and the wind blowing her hair all over the place. I don't know. She's a silly dog.
I am going to try and get ahold of Joy, the new Life Enrichment director tomorrow to see if you and I can do a video chat. It has been too long since I've seen your smiling face, mom. I sure do miss seeing you. I wish you were here to garden with me and give me advice. Paula next door is very happy that I planted vegetables this year. She is such an avid gardener and grower of all things that she likes having me ask her questions, get advice, pal around with her when we pick up a truck load of manure...hahaha. It is nice to be tending to the landscape and having a garden again, though. My tomatoes are slow going since I started them from seeds, but everyday they grow a tiny bit more.
Okay, mom. I'm going to turn in for the night. I've got both windows open for a breeze. It should be a nice temperature to fall asleep in by the time I am ready to crawl into bed.
I love you with all my heart.💋💖💘💖 Daughter #3, Sally