26 June, 2020 - Painted the New Wood & Car Racers
Dear, Mom -
I had a very long day. I walked Elsa the dog, went to work for Birgit until 2pm, came home and ate a quick lunch, went out and started painting the wood that my friend Elden and I hung up behind the gutters, then got up on the roof in the heat and got some new screens on the gutters. We then scooted Elsa outside and gave her a bath because she has been so itchy with her allergies. Then I was about to settle down and realized I needed to water the garden, which takes some doing because the water pressure in the back of the house is horrible so I have to double the hose from the front to stretch it to the back...argh. Anyway, I got that done, Holly took Elsa for her evening walk, I took a shower, and voila...I am sat down writing you a letter...but hungry because I didn't eat dinner...but that's ok I'll have a snack of some Ritz crackers while I am thinking about it.
Since I live on the outskirts of the city, we live really close to a stretch of road that is long and industrial. Due to this, we have started having illegal car racing EVERY night like clock work at 9:30 or 10:00 until, either the cops break it up or the drivers call it a night. Sometimes it goes until 2 in the morning. When it is hot out it makes it hard to keep my windows open because the cars are so loud. I can understand having a hobby, but man alive, it is ridiculous to put off so many people in the neighborhood with the noise. Apparently, there just aren't enough police available to patrol the area. I'm going to write some letters to the city (along with some other people) to ask them to install traffic cameras that will ticket the drivers if they are going over the speed limit. This will make their hobby REALLY expensive and hopefully they will go some where more rural where they aren't bothering neighborhoods full of people trying to sleep. Doubtful, but it would be nice. So that is my rant for the evening. I can hear the cars out there now, so I closed my window and don't have the nice evening cross breeze because of it. At least we have fans...
These sweet little variegated verbena came up today!
As much as I don't want to make this a short letter, I'm afraid it will be shorter than usually only because it has been a long day. I am going to show you more progress of blooms in the garden, though.
My first bachelor button came up today!!! My favorite.
My hydrangea by the front door are multicolored and so full.
This is our little garden, protector deer that I aim to put new horns on and repaint. I have aimed to do this for years now. Maybe this will be the year?!
I miss you very much, Mom. I love you very much, too. One of these days, hopefully sooner than later, I can come put my arms around you and give you a big squeeze and kiss. I don't like being separated from you. Be hopeful, though. We can outlast this virus that is going around and we will soon be together again. Have a wonderful day today. Your Daughter, ---Sally