28 June, 2020 - It's That Time of Year & Where's Our Vacation?!

Dear, Mom -

Elsa the dog is very scared and hiding under my desk as I type my letter to you tonight. Since it is the weekend before the 4th of July, all the yahoos in our neighborhood who can afford to watch their money go up in smoke, booms, or bright lights are already out acting like the holiday is two weeks long. I really can't stand this holiday. So much of our wildlife and domesticated animals suffer horribly, and so many forget about our veterans whom have been to war and are triggered by terrible memories.
In order to help Elsa cope, I put one of her beds under my desk, I put a little fan on, and play music on the computer called "Relaxing Calm Music to Help Dog and Puppy Anxiety form Fireworks, Bangs, and Loud Noises". It really does seem to help her a bit, mainly because all the sounds I create in this room help to mask what is going on outside. We won't be this lucky next weekend when people on our own block, and those surrounding, start setting a million things off at the same time. It is so irritating. I wish there was a place for people to go to do this, but right now with the virus keeping people from gathering in large groups, it wouldn't matter anyway. I understand people want to have fun, but I wish there was a common courtesy to be considerate before 7pm and after 11pm. "I wishes were horses then beggars would ride", right?  It's never going to happen, so I don't know why I bother thinking about it.

I wrote a letter to your cousin Doran and his wife Sue to see if they have any idea for a place to go down around where they live in Bend for the upcoming holiday. In central Oregon, fireworks are banned due to the high fire danger. It will be interesting to see what they say. I think I asked them last year, too, but only got a recommendation for one campground. Since the virus has kept people home and some campgrounds are now opening back up, I think there will be a flock of people going out to look for a place to go over the weekend and it will be extremely hard to find anything available. I don't have the kind of car that I could just take into an off-road camping area either, so that limits where I can go.

This is technically my vacation week starting Thursday, but I don't think that is an option now. You and I just need to take Elsa the dog and go somewhere where there is a nice hot spring, no noise or light pollution, and only a handful of people. Actually, that would be Crystal Crane Hot Springs, but it is too far away for just a few nights. If I could pop us on a private jet to Maui, I would take you in a heart beat. That way, we could sit on the beach and Elsa could play in the surf. We'll keep dreaming...

This is my little work station where I do all my work invoicing and where I write you letters every night. The TV on the right I use to watch some YouTube tutorials and sometimes play video games. It doesn't get used a whole lot, but it is nice to have if I need it. Last night, I listened to a Pink Floyd concert on the TV while I typed you your letter. Just to have something in the background that I really wanted to hear. It was nice to have the option. 

I am fading fast. I hope Elsa the dog will be able to fall asleep tonight. I just gave her some serum to help her settle a bit, so I hope it kicks in soon. I'm going to put my head on the pillow and fall fast asleep, I'm sure. First, I will tell you that I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to give you a hug and a kiss. Thank you for being so brave during this time. It is very hard on all of us, but you are doing great and I admire you for keeping your chin up!!!! Much Love to You, Mom --- You Gal, Sal*
