30 June, 2020 - I Need to do Art & Still Trying to Solve a Problem

Dear, Mom -

Today was a good day. I was still very tired upon waking up, but I fed Elsa the dog and made myself some peanut butter toast with honey then got in the shower. Before I got in the shower, I got out my French press and put some of my cacao 'coffee' in it so it could steep while I got ready for the day. This stuff is so amazing. I talked about it back on June 4th in detail if you want to revisit that post to hear what Crio Brü is. Anyway, I finished up and got Elsa the dog ready for a walk. I always feel bad on Tuesdays and Thursdays because I generally cannot take her on long walks because I need to get ready for work. Regardless, we went out and didn't encounter rain, just some clouds, and made our way around the neighborhood.

When we got back, I grabbed my stuff for the day and headed out to my client's house. I was there for 4 hours today, then headed home. I was so tired, I thought I was going to have to put toothpicks under my eyelids to keep them open. I got some half-caff coffee and started thinking about the art projects I need to get done. So, tomorrow, I am starting my watercolor cards of the Korean card game called Go-Stop! The cards are so beautiful that I need to pick to to recreate on cards for a friend in Ontario, Oregon. She has been waiting since October for a return gift for a favor she did for me. Although she didn't want anything in return, I told her I would make her something or send her something from Portland. Since she used to live and teach English in Korea, I think she will really like the cards I make her. This is what they look like:
The second row on the left has the plum tree blossoms. I am going to pick one of those. I am going to probably do either the deer (5 rows down on the fight half), or maybe the first card with the Crane on it. Do you see any that you like? Do you have a suggestion? I may end up doing 4 if I can't choose. I feel like she has waited so long she deserves more than two anyway.

I am still trying to see if there is anywhere I can take our poor dog over the weekend to she won't have to suffer the assault of the firework blasts. I was supposed to have this solved months ago, but so many things happened that I just couldn't ever seem to find someone to go with me or a place to go. Now I have someone to go with me, but no place to go. It is frustrating, but I don't have lots of money to spend or much time to be gone. The main thing is I really don't want Elsa to be on edge for the next week with all the pops and bangs. I suppose we will just have to give her doggie drugs, which I am trying to avoid.
Tranquilizers don't seem to really work very well for her. They just make her loopy and then she walks into the furniture. Poor pup.

When I was at Bob's today, they had a visitor come to stay for a while. His name is Spread:
I guess it is the neighbor's next door frog. Apparently, he was only supposed to live 4 years and has lived 14! He has lived as long as the young teenager has been alive. That's really something. Pretty neat to think this little frog has been a part of their family for that long. I wish he had a bigger tank to live in. I couldn't imagine keeping a creature in a tank that is only about 3 gallons. I guess it is all this little guy knows, though, and he's lived a long life, so he must not mind too much.

Alright. Again it's after 11 pm. I am off to bed. I will leave you with this lovely, orange flower I saw on my walk with Elsa today. I am going to see if I can find one of these to plant. I LOVE orange so much!
This is a Butterfly Milkweed or Chiggerflower

Mom! I LOVE AND MISS YOU! I will give you a kiss and squeeze soon. 
Have an amazing day today! Your Daughter, Sally💖
