11 July, 2020 - Getting Ready & Our Virtual Fair Celebration

Dear, Mom - 

Good day to you, sweet Mother. This evening was a nice change of pace. I worked on getting the yard and garden ready most of the day and getting patio furniture set up for company. My friends came over at 5 and I made an easy, quick dinner hot dogs, baked beans, and chips. Kim brought potato salad that was a base of sour cream, dill, and sriracha (a popular hot sauce) and yellow cake with chocolate frosting cupcakes. Our other friend Mo brought a home brewed ice tea that was hibiscus cranberry. Very tasty. We hooked up the tv to my iPad and watched past, musical performances from the Oregon Country Fair. We had dinner and conversation for about 4 hours then called it a night. We all realized we were very safe and that we should do it again not too long from now. It is important to have some safe, socialization with friends for sanity sake.
Me, Mo, Kim and Ward (Holly is barely visible to my left)
This is how I set it up, but the cherries kept falling because an unexpected wind was blowing them out of the tree. I kept having to sweep them off to the side. That is why I put the blue umbrella up. I was afraid who ever sat at that end of the yard was going to be pelted with cherries. 
Kim, Ward, and Me!
I had hoped for warmer weather today, but it ended up getting a bit chilly. I had wanted to have a fire in my fire pit, but everyone got tired and left around 9-ish. That was fine. We will do it again when it isn’t so windy and chilly. I also was getting a barometric pressure headache due to the weird weather. Lots of clouds and even a light drizzle at one point. It is a bit better now, but I can’t wait to go to sleep. I guess you could say I’m pooped! 😂.

I am sitting on my bed. Elsa is still sleeping in the bathroom. There have been more fireworks tonight and that is the place she feels safest so we just let her go to sleep in there. Last night, she actually stayed in the room most of the night, which was the first time in over a week. Since people have to be inconsiderate to their neighbors, there have been more pops and bangs going off in the distance along with the noise of the illegal car racing that takes place out on a couple of the industrial roads. Elsa doesn’t like that either because the car mufflers pop occasionally and she can’t tell the difference between a car backfire or a firework.

I am going to put a couple of flower shots from my walk with Elsa this morning. I think I may talk to you today. If so, that will be wonderful! I love you very much. I wish we could get together for a visit, too, but that will have to wait until things become a bit more stable. Regardless, I am always with you in my heart and think about you all the time. I miss you and will give you a big big hug and a big big smooch when I see you, okay? Love, Sally
Red Garden Phlox
An AMAZING Southern Catalpa or Caterpillar Tree
A Garden Rose that was bright red with neon pink outer petals. Beautiful.


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