Dear, Mom -
Well, I think maybe it is indeed allergies that seem to be plaguing me. I have been taking my Allegra during the day, so by the time it wears off around when I go to bed, I start getting stuffed up again. I think the headache I have had has been sinus related. I’m not exactly sure why it made me so doggone tired, but with me, anything is possible. I do feel even better today than yesterday, which I am very thankful for. When I woke up this morning I was still feeling pretty blah, but as the day went on I progressively felt a bit better. I’d say I’m at about 85% right now. I have stopped eating sugar treats and I’m sticking to a better diet of low wheat, veggies and fruit, nuts, beans, and poultry. I have to start feeling better in both my body and mind. I am slowly going to get off sugar, off wheat, and back to eating the way I used to when my Fibromyalgia got bad. I also lost weight then, too, so it is a good idea. When I don’t feel well, I tend to not crave sweets, so I took a few days off of eating them and my transition to fruit is already in place.
I did actually manage to get some flower pictures for you today. Some new varieties, which is always exciting. I had not seen this flower before:
The Orange Brush Monkey
I don’t think I have taken a picture of this type of honeysuckle before, either, but it was so pretty with both flowers and berries I thought I would include it:
Himalayan Honeysuckle
In starting to feel better I am able to take Elsa out on longer walks again. This early evening I walked her over to Pier Park so she could do her signature roll around in the dirt. She is getting to where she needs a bath again. If she didn’t like roll around in the dirt so much, she wouldn’t have to have a bath so often. She doesn’t understand the logic behind that, though.
Elsa the dog with an “I need a bath” Mohawk.
This poor dog has had to put up with an endless amount of fireworks since the beginning of the summer. Even tonight, at the end of August, some knucklehead is lighting them off. Every night, we take Elsa out for one last bathroom trip before bed. Holly opened the door tonight and 💥BOOM💥 a shot went off. Poor Elsa bolted right back into the house, unable to go to the bathroom because she was too scared. I hope she can hold it until morning. We know she can, but I feel bad for her.
I am going to go to bed now. I will include a couple more pictures before I go, though. I love you. Mom. I hope we can talk tomorrow. I won’t be able to come out in person this Monday, but I hope we can talk via the video chat instead. Have a great rest of your day!
✨⭐️Big Hug and Big KISS! Your Daughter, —-Sally Ann⭐️✨