26 September, 2020 - My Saturday & Elsa is Better!

 Dear, Mom -

Well, I have great news. Elsa’s tummy is getting better. She never seemed ill, but her tummy presented itself differently. Now, the bland diet she is on has finally kicked in and she is getting back to a bathroom routine. Not all the way, but getting there, which is great. We’ll take it. I took her for an hour walk this morning that included a walk from home over to Pier Park and back.

This morning, after Elsa’s walk, I did some things around the house, went to the library to pick up a book, then went to Birgit’s to work for a while. I didn’t have enough time yesterday to finish cleaning for Birgit because I had to take her to her arthritis infusion. This means I sit in the car for around 2 hours since I cannot go in because of the virus that is going around. Actually, even before the virus when her infusions were over 3 hours longs, I would go home and start cleaning then come back to pick her up. Now, it makes more sense to take a book or my iPad and just wait in the car. After I finished up cleaning her house, I ran to the store...again...to get more chicken for Elsa. I came home and boiled up 3 chicken breasts for her next 3 meals. Since rice and chicken aren’t very filling and very easy to digest, she gets fairly big meals. After I cooked up her future meals, Holly and I had some fish fingers for lunch, watched a travel show, then I did a bit more puttering around the house. I took the rest of the afternoon for myself. I really want to read a couple of the books I have, but my new glasses just are not cutting it for reading. I have to take these new glasses back and get the lenses redone. I don’t like progressives. They just don’t suit what I need for seeing well, so I am getting rid of the mid-range. I didn’t have it before, and I certainly don’t like it now. Luckily, I was promised 30 days as a trial period and if I don’t like it, take them back. Thank goodness! Blech. They make my head swim. 

Holly and I watched a movie tonight and then I realized that I needed to get my letter to you written because I hadn’t talked to you today. I haven’t much to report, except that I love and miss you terribly. I want to be able to see you soon. And we’ll make that happen, so don’t you worry.

Tomorrow, I am going on a walk with my friends Kim, Ward, and Ian. We are going to drive to Vancouver Lake and take a hike around the area. This way I will definitely have some great pictures to share with you tomorrow. Ian will be leaving in a couple of days to go back to Michigan where he is currently living. He has been working at a homeless shelter, which I find very admirable. He wants experiences that he hasn’t had before before he moves to Japan.

I like to hike around Vancouver Lake because it is removed from the city and really pretty. There are lots of birds around there. The Great Blue Heron has migration grounds out there. Sometimes you can go out there and see flocks of herons dancing and prancing around. Mainly, I just like the solitude and having a nice conversation with the person I am with while there. 

I will speak to you soon, Mom. Thank you for being such a strong and resilient mother. You have taught me so much in life. I feel I am kind, compassionate, empathetic and an all around good person. You and Dad are the ones that made me that way by example. I am forever appreciative of you both for that. Thank you. I love you so much.

🌹🙂Enjoy you day, Mom. Big Hugs and Kisses to You! Your Daughter #3, —-Sally Ann😘❤️
