Dear, Mom -
Hello! I am typing to you from my desktop computer. When I started typing your letters 190 some days ago, I used to sit and do it at my desktop computer in the bedroom. Then one day I realized I could do it on my iPad and started doing it that way. Well, this way is much more satisfying. It's quicker, my posture is better while doing it, I can do all my editing here of the pictures, and I just like the feel of this keyboard better than my glitchy one on the iPad. So, I will probably start using this computer again like tonight and when I started. The only problem with using this computer is that the photos don't always load up from my phone for some reason, so I have to send them to myself in a message and add them manually. Technology is so weird. Oh, well. Happy problems.
Today was a pretty casual day. I got up and walked Elsa. She really, really wanted to go to the park, but on Tuesday and Thursday I don't have the time in the morning. She seemed very put out by it (and I don't blame her), but I try to make up for it either in the afternoon or the next day. Tomorrow I will be able to take her to the park because I don't have to leave the house until around noon. I will get up and check on Birgit to make sure she is alright. Paula is on a mini-vacation, so I go check on Birgit more than usually to make sure everything is alright and to do any little thing she may not be able to do on her own. I know it makes Paula feel better when she is away to know that Holly and I are right next door. I will also take the little rascal Watson out for a walk before I go. He has such long legs and is growing like crazy. He is so handsome. I love his coloring. It is good for him to walk with Elsa, too. He learns how to do big dog things (be curious, smell, mark, be silly, don't be annoying or you'll get warned by a growl or wee nip).
This is Elsa on her bed under the window. She likes to cover her head with the curtains. Sometimes you cannot see her at all.
Watson. He's a handsome and good boy.
After I got all the dog things done, I headed to work. I grabbed a coffee on the way since I didn't have lots of time to eat. It's horrible that there is a Starbucks on the way to work. It is too tempting and easy sometimes. I am going to start eating differently and taking out most of the sugars I eat, so I will get it out of my system then not crave it anymore. It usually only takes about a week/week and a half before I just don't care anymore. The next time I see you in person, I'd like to be 20lbs lighter and feeling better. I'm hoping my diet will help with that. It did 10 years ago, so once I get control over my will power it won't be a problem.
After I went to Bob's, I ran home to check on Birgit again. She had had a rough night and was tired, but doing well otherwise. I took Watson for a walk with Elsa. He got another walk after that with the neighbor boy Liam. He is training him to walk on the leash better and to sit. He is a wonderful boy and his whole family is a delight.
Birgit, Holly, and I will have a soup dinner tomorrow night. I think it will be nice to have a dinner with her since she is alone. I will make the soup when I get home in my pressure cooker. I nice chicken and vegetable soup. Birgit is going to get some sandwiches from Paula's sandwich shop to have with our soup. She wants to contribute. I'm looking forward to it, but I wish you could be there, too.
Well, I'm off to bed now. I'm getting pretty tired. I've been trying to bring my old iPhone back to life and make it into just a music player. I don't think the battery is going to hold out long enough to make it worth while, but I figure it is at least worth a shot.
Her are a couple of night photos I took a little bit ago:
Beautyberry tree. I'm still waiting for the birds to eat the berries!
My fuchsia is still blooming like crazy. The hummingbirds love it.
A Rose that Bob picked to photograph for you.
Pampas Grass, Maple Tree, Blue Sky!
Indian Blanket.
Cabbage blossoms.
Dinosaur Gang with some painted rocks.
Joy the Dinosaur :)
Good Afternoon, Sweet Mama. I will talk to you very soon.
I love you with all my heart. I'm sending big hugs and kisses. Say hello to your friends for me!
💖I MISS YOU! Your Daughter, ---Sally Ann💗