28 October, 2020 - Just Sat Down from a Busy Day
Dear, Mom -
I am so sorry I wasn't able to visit with you yesterday. I was at my client's house later than I expected then had to run to the store. Birgit is home by herself, so I made a nice soup to take over to her house for dinner so she wouldn't have to eat alone. I made a fairly simple chicken soup with wild, black rice. She and Holly liked it just fine. Birgit was nice enough to order a couple of sandwiches from her daughter's shop as another part of dinner. But I am very tired. I am going to turn in very soon. It's only 8:30, but I am really looking forward to going to bed and getting some extra sleep.
I spend time with my oldest client Gale today (oldest in years we've worked together, not actual age). It seems like the B12 shot he got last week helped his disposition a bit, but since I only see him once a week, it is hard to say if he was just having a really good day compared to others or is actually doing better cognitively. Anyway, we have a really nice visit. He showed me a project he is working on in his work shop downstairs. It's pretty impressive really.
After I was done at Gale's house, I rushed to the store to get a few things for my soup then went home and automatically started cutting up vegetable and prepping the chicken for a sauté before adding the broth and pressure cooking it for about 7 minutes. I made the rice on the side and added it after the pressure cooker was done.
Now, once again, I've come home to dirty dishes, washed up, put a load of laundry in, and started typing your letter so I can make sure to tell you how much I have missed you today and how much I love you. Some days it gets really overwhelming that I cannot be there with you. I try to just push it to the back of my emotions or I'll have a hard time making it through the day. Sigh.
I do love you with all my heart and hope there is a vaccine for this stupid virus VERY SOON. There are lots of kids not being able to see their parents right now and I know it's not easy for anyone. I will keep my hope up. I will continue to be thankful for each day. Mostly, I am thankful that you are my Mom. You are what keeps me going, Mom. I really love you. Stay strong and with the greatest hope we can muster, we will pray that we will be together in the same room again.
💗All My Love, Your Daughter, ---Sally Ann💖