03 November, 2020 - Election Day & Taking a Trip to Somewhere Amazing

 Dear, Mom -

It sure has been a day. Today is the big presidential election and I have been too on edge to look at the results. It is 9:30 in the pm right now and I still haven't looked. Paula, next door, did tell me that things are looking up, so I am at least feeling hopeful that the last 4 years of anxiety may be able to start a healing pattern of sorts IF the current administration is booted out. Many of those people who supported the president will have to speak to their actions and it will not be met easily by those they have hurt. There has been a lot of bullying and intentional anguish towards progressive people. I know you and Dad were life long republicans, but even this kind of behavior would have changed your minds. You and Dad have always been on the side of good, compassionate people. Anyway, I won't bore you with politics.

To bring my blood pressure down, I thought I would look at some places I could take us where we could relax and enjoy the view. I think as an artist, you would really appreciate the Rainbow Mountains, in Zhangye Danxia, China. Look at how beautiful this landscape is. Our Painted Hills outside of John Day are close to this, but not quite as colorful.

This is quite the color palette!
New Zealand. Waitomo Caves. Lit by millions of glow worms! Amazing.
Lovely and lush. Upoly, Samoa; To-Sua meaning "big hole with water coming out". Yes, please!
This is on Mt. Rainer in Washington. It is part of the Big Four Ice Caves. 
We would have to go to the Faroe Island off Denmark and watch the Aurora Borealis together!
We'll go to Cappadocia, Turkey and take that hot air balloon ride you've always wanted to take!
Maybe we will stay here for a while. Sit by a fire, eat some tasty food, feel the grass between our toes, and maybe pet a mountain goat. The sky is the limit, Mom!

Using my imagination to take us to all these lovely places is the best. We can go anywhere we want. I would not take you some where cold. I know you don't like to be cold and neither do I. We may need to compromise, thought. You know how much I like to snowmobile. You can stay next to a roaring fire in a comfy cabin, drinking hot chocolate and eating whatever you desire. While you do that, I will go out and ride a snowmobile then come back in and join you for the rest of the time. I would then take you somewhere very warm where we could sit on the sand, under a palm tree or shady tree, and listen to the waves lapping up onto shore. You could have a margarita and I'll just settle for a nice, cold ice tea with lemon. Those margaritas would just give me a brain freeze! Hahaha. I could also take you back to your old stomping grounds of South Dakota. Maybe we could have a picnic at Spearfish Falls and maybe even cast a line?
Spearfish Falls, South Dakota. I think you and Grandpa Arvo use to fish here long ago.

When you go to sleep tonight, you can remember all these places. Perhaps you can dream about us going there. Tell me how it looks. How it smells. What you can hear. Is there anything in particular that catches your eye? Is your hot chocolate the best hot chocolate you ever tasted? Maybe we should go to Zurich, Switzerland for the chocolate! They have an actual chocolate fountain like the one in Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory there. It's massive! These chocolate will do just fine!
Lindt: The Home of Chocolate. Museum in Zurich, Switzerland
On that note, have "sweet" dreams, Mom. Ha. Get it?! Sweet...chocolate...I know. I tell bad jokes.
I love you and I miss you with all my heart. Say hello to all your friends for me. Soon enough, I will be able to do it in person. Fingers crossed.
๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚๐ŸƒAll My Love, Your Daughter Sally Ann๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿช๐Ÿซ☕


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