09 November, 2020 - Plants of Fall & Laughter Throughout the Internet

 Dear, Mom -

It was such a pleasure to have a nice chat with you today! It really makes my day to see you, hear you, and especially when you start laughing. I love that. It pulls me out of any type of funk I could possibly be in. I also like to see that you look like you are feeling better. Aisha, the nurse, said that the sore you had on your arm is healing up really well. What she actually said is that you are an amazingly fast healer. That is really great. Birgit is the same way. It must be our Swedish roots :)

We are LAUGHING! We are having such a nice time!
Hopefully, we will be getting the shipment of your new fall clothes soon. I just wanted you to have some new clothes to help you settle into the winter that is coming. I should probably pick you up some more soft, cotton socks, too. I know you like the texture of the cotton. So do I. They feel nice on your tootsies when it is cold outside. As soon as I gather everything, I will drop you off a goody box! Hopefully, it will be topped off with homemade cookies, too!

This morning I took Birgit to the arthritis clinic. Due to the virus, they really don't want people in the clinic that are not being seen by a doctor, getting an x-ray, or having blood work done. I stayed out in Birgit's car for 2 hours, freezing my fanny off. I packed my heavy sleeping bag and would intermittently turn the heat on to try to warm up my feet. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great, either. It's nothing I wouldn't do for Birgit regardless, but I don't really like being cold. If it is that cold next time, I am going to go find a corner somewhere where I can sit and wait. I think the main reason I stayed in the car was that it was so early that I figured I would just bundle up and go back to sleep for a while. That is hard for me to do. Especially when the landscapers are out in the parking lot using their leaf blowers. Not the most relaxing atmosphere. It went by fairly quickly, though.

When I got home, Elsa looked at me with those big, brown eyes, so I took her down to the little nature reserve a block down from our house. I haven't taken her down there since the spring because of ticks and the weeds were very overgrown. Now it has been mown and there are no ticks. It is a nice place for her to go and look for gophers and sniff around. She likes to run all over the place. I'll hide and she'll look for we and get all crazy running around the trails like a Greyhound trying to catch the rabbit.
I took some pictures of the vegetation that is starting to go dormant. Some of it is really interesting looking.
Wild Lupine. In spring, it has beautiful purple blossoms. Not it is dry and furry.
Tansy Ragwort or Stinking Willie. Hahahahaha.
Canada Goldenrod. In spring, it looks like a yellow, feather boa.
Cockspur Hawthorne. Not a berry one would eat.
Arrowhead Viburnum. I love the colors of leaves as they change. They are like snowflakes. 
No two are ever the same and they are so vibrant!
One of the last of the Pot Marigolds.
My Globe Candytuft is still blooming. Incredible.
My Snapdragons don't seem to want to quit, either.
Unfortunately, this is the last on my precious Bachelor Buttons.
A close-up of a very small, miniature yellow Rose!

I am off to bed again. It seems like I just wrote that, but I suppose that was a good 24 hours ago. Time does surely fly. In the words of the late 19th century songwriter Carrie Jacobs-Bond:

I love you truly, truly dear,
Life with its sorrow, life with its tear
Fades into dreams when I feel you are near
For I love you truly, truly dear.

Ah! Love, 'tis something to feel your kind hand
Ah! Yes, 'tis something by your side to stand;
Gone is the sorrow, gone doubt and fear,
For you love me truly, truly dear.

I feel like that song was written for anyone who loves another person. It may have been written for a love interest, but it can definitely apply to you dear Mom! Because I do love you truly! It will be nice to talk to you. I hope we can have a good laugh again. There's nothing like a good chuckle between us. So, have an amazing day today and we will chat very soon. 

๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿถ๐Ÿน๐Ÿบ๐ŸผAll My Love, Your Daughter, ---Sally Ann๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒฒ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’•


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