Dear, Mom -
How are you doing? I was really happy to hear that you had your virus test and it came back negative. We will keep hoping and praying that continues and that Pfizer gets the vaccine they are testing out and about. When they do and we both get our vaccinations, I will come give you the biggest hug I have ever given you! It seems that the labs that are working on the vaccine are getting a bit closer everyday. We will definitely keep our fingers crossed that that happens sooner than later.
Although we were unable to talk today, Joy let me know that you were having a really nice lunch with your friends. You were talking up a storm and everyone seemed to be in a pretty good mood. I love to hear that. You might notice that your helpers will start to look a bit different. They will be wearing more safety gear in order to keep those around them and themselves safer. This will be a temporary change. I know it all seems very surreal. At least, I know it does to me. We seem to be living life like a science fiction movie in some kind of semi-dystopian atmosphere. I can assure you it is the same all over the place and it is for the betterment of the people. So, don’t worry, Mama. Things will be fine, we just need to give it some more time.
Here I am. Looking at you through this leaf. Happy Autumn, Mom!
Holly and I are settled in the living room. I took the bins out to be picked up in the morning. I had save about 4 grocery bags worth of cans from all the fizzy water I drink. I figured that I might as well put them out on the curb for somebody in need. We get a few people, some regulars, that come through the neighborhood the night before the bin pick-ups, that like to look for cans that can be returned for money. I was going to return them myself, but with the virus, I can’t take the chance to go to a recycling place. I also figure that if someone is taking the time to go around out in the pouring rain, that they probably need the money worse than I do. So, I put it all out there for some lucky soul. I saw that the rain had started, too. I guess it is supposed to rain for a few days in a row. I was hoping to get more work done around the house (including the outside), but I feel that is going to have to wait. It is probably for the best. I am a bit tired and need an excuse to be lazy for a few days.

Elsa says, “Tell Grandma I love her and miss her!”. She needs her hair trimmed, doesn’t she?
Keep your chin up, Mom and I will, too. I hope to talk to you soon. It may be a couple of days, but we will make it happen one way or another. Like Elsa said, “We love and miss you!”. I will send my love, hugs, kisses, and cuddles through the air, through your window, and into your heart. Be well. I love you.
❤️🐼🐯🐵🦁All My Love, Your Daughter, —-Sally Ann🐹🐱🐶🦊❤️